Monday, November 21, 2016

Is the HCG Diet Fact or Fiction?

The information available regarding the HCG diet can be contradictory. So, the question remains, is the HCG diet fact or fiction? To those who have successfully lost weight on the diet of course its fact. Many proponents have said it is the only diet that worked for them and would recommend it to anyone. Others, who are skeptical of the plan or have failed at their own attempt, say that doesn’t do what it claims to. The main difference between success and failure on the diet is belief. If you believe in something it is more likely to work for you. Furthermore, when you understand something your chances for success are even greater.

Many of the people who “failed” on the HCG diet were not committed to the protocol as it was written by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. A surplus of bad information available on the internet and from other sources can also be to blame in some cases.

The truth is that the HCG diet can and will work for anyone that follows it exactly. The key is to understand how and why it works and find support from someone or somewhere you can trust. The original protocol has a 70% success rate and is the only proven effective method for weight loss using HCG.

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